app disconnessione

The digital detox passes through apps for disconnection

There is an application for everything. What to download from store when we lose control of our digital technologies? Let’s explore the world of logout apps to understand their real usefulness.

Finding the right balance between digital and real world has become a challenge. Technologies have brought enormous benefits, but everything has a price. We find ourselves surrounded by notifications, emails, flash news, stimuli and other distractions that prevent us from living the present.

It may seem paradoxical, but the same digital environment also offers some opportunities to loosen our dependence on connection. The stores are teeming with products created for preventing us from opening or using apps, browsing online and even unlocking the phone. 

Today we will find out more about these applications.

What are they?

Are we hungry? We order on Just Eat. Do we want to find love? Let’s search on Tinder. Do we need to create the right Christmas atmosphere? Let’s select a playlist on Spotify. And when we realize that we are on the phone too much, dozens of apps help us lift our heads from the smartphone.

Logout apps provide several features, such as monitoring the time spent on our device, managing notifications and scheduling logoff periods. Their goal is to enable users to better balance their online and offline time, promoting a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

app disconnessione

Why use them?

Cal Newport, one of the greatest exponents of digital minimalism, sees in this type of app a powerful ally. They provide a tool to become aware of our behaviors and make positive changes in daily routine.

To preach a total detachment from the technological world is utopian and not even desirable. Choosing to completely abandon all support would mean excluding ourself from society as it conforms today. Rather, it becomes necessary to understand what can bring benefits to our lives and what remains only a distraction. Starting to use apps to support us in our digital detox journey is a first way to become aware of our condition.

Some examples

As we said, there are hundreds of applications to get away from uncontrolled use of your smartphone. Below we propose two products that aim at a common goal through different modes of interaction and structure.

Freedom between productivity and control

Praised by productivity gurus, Freedom has gained great fame within the business world in recent months. Allowing you to schedule logout sessions and blocking access to certain pages forces users to put their well-being first.

With time tracking capabilities and detailed reports, it also offers a clear view of digital behaviors. While its use is promoted to increase performance in work and study, it remains also one of the most complete and efficient applications for detox ourself.

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“Playing” digital detox with Forest

Forest embodies the idea that disconnecting should not be just an activity to achieve life goals. Sometimes we just want to put ourselves to the test. This app combines the control of time spent online with the two guidelines of game design: rewards and growth

By growing virtual trees, it challenges us to respect scheduled disconnection periods. If we can resist the temptation to unlock our phone, they’ll be rewarded with a plant to add to our digital garden. Any attempt to unlock the device during the session will cause its death by forcing the virtual gardeners to start a session again. This simple interaction makes the process more engaging and rewarding.

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A path that starts from within

If you are looking to reduce your online presence or to find moments of tranquility, these applications are a valuable support to live a more balanced digital life. The key element is to use them consciously, since the control of the relationship with technology remains an individual responsibility. 

Apps remain only tools in our hands: without motivation it’s difficult to find the strength to continue on the road to well-being for a long time. As Digital Detox Design we are committed to promoting projects and events to spread the culture of disconnection. If you want to rediscover your relationship with the present, do not hesitate to contact us.