benefici disconnessione

What are the benefits of disconnecting?

Digital devices have transformed our lives by offering us incredible opportunities, but their overuse can affect our health, both physical and mental. Disconnecting can be the answer to regain balance and regain control over one’s daily life. In this article, we discover the benefits of digital detox.

When we talk about disconnection, what do we mean?

Let’s clarify a little with healthy realism. Many of us would like to free ourselves from Whatsapp groups forever from time to time, but we also know how much our lives are now intimately dependent on being online.

Abandoning any form of contact with digital for a long time would therefore be difficult, and perhaps not even so desirable, for most people. However, after years of studying and disseminating research in the field, we have come to the conclusion that facing short periods of total abstinence can be useful in the process of finding a balance.

As Digital Detox Design, in fact, we help find the balance between online and offline life without sacrificing the benefits of one or the other. For us, therefore, disconnection represents an unavoidable moment to become aware of our habits, to have control over technologies and not be controlled by them.

There are various reasons for disconnecting from the digital world: wanting to try a different experience, preventing a burnout that we feel imminent or simply wanting to get away from the stress of a hyper-connected life for a while. Whatever the reason, the benefits that follow are different and allow you to regain possession of a portion of everyday life that seemed lost forever.

Reduced anxiety and stress

Digital tools expose people to an overwhelming amount of news and stimuli, contributing to a significant increase in stress. One of the most significant benefits of a break from technology is reduced anxiety. A break provides a moment of tranquility and reduces the pressure of having to be constantly updated (have tou ever eard Fomo?). This decrease in digital stimuli helps to improve the overall mood.

According to a study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, a week of disconnection can reduce anxiety levels and depression, while also positively affecting life satisfaction and emotions.

Focus on the present

By avoiding digital distractions, we can bring more attention to the present and give space to our creativity. This should come as no surprise. Scrolling aimlessly through social media, checking notifications on your phone, and wanting to respond to emails immediately consume your time and mental energy. When we put distractions aside, we get more focus on our activities.

Sleep quality

Disconnecting from electronic devices a few hours before bedtime promotes restful sleep. In fact, the blue light emitted by screens can negatively affect circadian rhythms and delay sleep. Reducing exposure and detaching from technology before bedtime can contribute to better sleep quality, helping you feel more rested and refreshed when you wake up.

Rediscovering personal relationships

A 2019 study found that smartphones alter the texture of social interactions. In the experiment, a group of strangers was placed in a waiting room. Some of them had their cell phones with them, others did not. The research found that those who had phones were less likely to smile and interact with others than those without phones.

Think about the last time you were alone in a waiting room, standing in line at the post office, or in front of a restaurant waiting for a friend. How long have you been looking at your phone? A constant connection not only impacts our bodily health, but also that of relationships with the people around us. 

Detaching from devices during moments of waiting or meeting with others can foster meaningful conversations and create closer, more personal bonds. Carving out spaces to forge bonds improves the quality of relationships, contributing to greater social gratification and making us rediscover the pleasure of meeting other people in an authentic way.

The advantages of balance 

Exploring the benefits of digital disconnection, it is easy to realize how essential this practice is to restore balance in our hyper-connected world. It is not necessary to embrace a monastic lifestyle without technology but rather to find the right fit and know how to balance the online and offline world.

Certainly an experience of a few days without your smartphone can do us really good. There are many courses organized in Italy and soon we will have the first “Digital Detox Design” retreat reserved for professionals and creatives.

If you want to know more, contact us!